Font Proofer
Font Proofer App Icon

Introducing Font Proofer.
Test your typeface designs insanely fast.

While proofs are an essential part of the design and production process for every professional font, making them is often time consuming, error prone, or dependent on custom Python scripts. Font Proofer removes this friction so you can spend more time on what matters: type design.

Font Proofer has become my standard for making proofs.
Toshi Omagari

Platia, by Toshi Omagari

Create a proof in seconds, from
a variety of customizable layouts.

Style Comparison: Rows
Style Comparison layout with a Rows arrangement
Columns: Repeated
Columns layout with repeated content at multiple font sizes
Glyph Grid
Glyph Grid layout
Columns: Continuous
Columns layout with spacing strings flowing continuously across columns
Glyph Grid
Glyph Grid layout with large letters
Simple layout with content showing every letter combination
Image/PDF layout with a photo of old source material
Waterfall layout with a spacing string at multiple font sizes
Style Comparison: Columns
Style Comparison layout with a Columns arrangement
Wrangling InDesign files can waste numerous hours every week, especially when I’m right in the middle of working on a font. Switching to a couple of clicks is massively more productive.
Dan Rhatigan, TypeNetwork

Multi & Ella Brutalist, by Laura Meseguer

Proof while you work in
Glyphs or RoboFont.

Update your proof with one click as you make changes
to your design in Glyphs 3 or RoboFont 4.

Font Proofer integrates directly into my design workflow because it’s easily accessible from the font editor. Now I can concentrate on type design itself.
Katja Schimmel, Grilli Type

GT Pressura Mono & Standard
Made with Font Proofer

Removes missing & empty glyphs.

Never waste another minute deleting characters that aren’t in your font yet. Whether in a spacing string or a paragraph, blank gaps and fallback glyphs reduce the efficacy of your proof. Font Proofer intelligently removes them for you.

Original Content:

Fallback Font:

.notdef Glyph:

Smart Removal:

Sample text in a font missing x, w, and exclamation mark glyphs, and with a blank (yet to be designed) asterisk glyph.

I couldn’t live without this, especially in the early stages of a design.
Fernando Díaz, Reset Type Studio

RST Reactor, by Matías Di Iorio & Fernando Díaz
Made with Font Proofer

Font File Icon with a Refresh Icon

Forget About Font Caching

Your proof always uses the latest version of your design. You can finally forget about font caching, find-and-replace fonts, and managing files for every small iteration.

Proof Document File Icon

Save & Reuse Proofs

Save documents as .proof files to share with your colleagues and students. Easily copy and paste sections between proofs, and reuse them for any font.

Mac Finder App Icon

A Modern Mac App

Built with the latest technologies, Font Proofer is fast, stable, and familiar. It supports dark mode, native file saving, and all of the other Mac features you rely on.


There’s an exciting roadmap of features planned, including:

Generate repetitive text strings

More variable font features

Interwoven text styles

Live visual preview

Etude, by Emily Atwood

Characters from various scripts: including Latin, Arabic, and Chinese.

Languages & Scripts

Designers have already used Font Proofer with a variety of scripts—including Latin, Cyrillic, Arabic, Devanagari, Thai, and Chinese. It supports OpenType localized forms and bi-directional text, and vertical typesetting is on the roadmap. I’m committed to making this a tool for many languages and writing systems, and welcome feedback about your proofing needs.

Every type designer and foundry should use Font Proofer. Seriously. Just using it to proof family structure, spacing, kerning, features, and style comparison yields consistent, well-designed typefaces in less time. Plus, it’s fun to use!
Maria Glenda Bellarosa,

June Expt, by Fer CozziOscar Guerrero

Reclaim time to focus on design.

Subscribe and start a free trial by downloading the app.

Font Proofer App Icon
$20 USD / month + tax

Beginning with a 2-week free trial

Download Font Proofer

Requires macOS 12.3 or later (supports macOS 15 Sequoia)

Font editor integration requires Glyphs 3.1.1 or RoboFont 4.0, or later

Student discounts, financial assistance, and team setup available

Peter Nowell, Designer

About the Creator

Peter Nowell, Designer

Peter Nowell is a multidisciplinary designer, teacher, and inventor based in New York. His design portfolio spans UI/UX, web develop­ment, branding, print, and custom typo­graphy for clients as small as San Francisco’s Juice Shop and as large as Apple.

While studying typeface design in Type@Cooper, Peter realized how vital proofing is to the develop­ment of every profes­sional font—but also how tedious it can be to create, edit, and reuse proof documents. Determined to find a better way, he taught himself new program­ming languages and applied his experience in UI/UX, graphic design, and teaching to develop a tool for the type design com­munity. Three years later, he launched Font Proofer!

Peter has self-funded Font Proofer’s develop­ment, driven by the over­whelming enthusiasm from fellow type designers for a tool like this—the first of its kind. Peter’s goal is for Font Proofer to become a sustainable, community-supported project helping both experts and beginners to design their best type.

It’s rare to see someone pour so much care and attention-to-detail into a new app for type design. Font Proofer dramatically improves a crucial aspect of type creation — proofing — which is cumbersome and error-prone in traditional software. I love this tool already and can’t wait to see how it evolves!
Stephen Nixon, Arrow Type

Name Sans, by Stephen Nixon
Made with Font Proofer